Register for our webinar and learn about our Mystery School at the Leading Edge of Evolution (and see a mind-boggling demonstration of the Higher Brain activating!).



REAL + RADICAL. Register for our webinar and learn about our Mystery School at the Leading Edge of Evolution (and see a mind-boggling demonstration of the Higher Brain activating!).

Become The New Human. Five times in the history of human civilization, large seismic shifts in consciousness and brain capacity have occurred. Once again, a New Human is rising. This NEW HUMAN knows both peace beyond all understanding, and the relentless fire of evolution, joined in a sacred union. A NEW HUMAN knows that the evolution of consciousness has enabled their own conscious evolution. A NEW HUMAN lives with fierce purpose, and acts as a global catalyst for the coming Revolution. Our species is in a race between Consciousness and Catastrophe, between Awakening and Apocalypse.

Will you lead the way forward? Is this why you were born?

The technology is inside of you. A mysterious ‘energy’ of evolution has been discovered within the human body. This transformative energy resides within each of us, but that energy is dormant and slumbering.

Breakthroughs at The NHU have made it possible to consistently mobilize this inner energy in a human being and awaken a previously hidden ‘inner organic technology.’ This inner organic technology is light years ahead of our external technologies, and is the key to full, human transformation.

The future of the NEW HUMAN—our future—is to fully awaken the inner organic technologies dwelling within us.

“Dr. Michael Cotton is a visionary genius. He is changing my life and many others. He is at the cutting edge of something huge and early participants will be foundational as this explodes worldwide.”

— Dan Hostetler, former executive director of The Parliament of the World’s Religions

The New Human University (The NHU) is an educational institution and community that promotes the advancement of latent, inner organic technologies, activating the higher human brain, creating new physiology and expressing new DNA. The ultimate objective of The New Human University is to promote vertical evolution of Consciousness into new Life Altitudes and spark a Revolution. The Revolution will end in a rebirth of the species as The NEW HUMAN.
The New Human University curriculum includes certification in two revolutionary transformative practices. (1) The research-proven Higher Brain Living® third-wave healing and personal growth technique and (2) the new Source Code Meditation and the 9 Summits of Transformation™, for which certification is being offered for the first time ever.
But The NHU is so much more than just education and training. The NHU is the catalyst for THE NEW HUMAN to emerge…through you, in you, and as you. 

Start a new career at the leading edge of evolution, or choose to serve a few people in your inner circle. Contribute to the creation of the new world with the research-proven Higher Brain Living® technique and Source Code Meditation™ and the 9 Summits of Transformation path. These two approaches are both informed by Integral Meta-theory—the most comprehensive understanding of human development on the planet—and are destined to evolve our species to the next level.

Learn more about
Higher Brain Living®

The original creation in third-wave healing and personal growth approach. Click the button below to learn more!

Learn more about
Source Code Meditation™

and the 9 Summits of Transformation — the ultimate in spiritual awakening and personal transformation.