Are You Moving Into Epoch 6?

One of our goals at The New Human University is to raise global consciousness to create a new world. We can do this by becoming “New Humans”. Perhaps you feel you are already a New Human, living in (or moving into) the highest Life Altitude, Epoch 6? Look at the list below to find out!

Intuition and Insight, ‘Trans-Rational’ New Modes of Knowing in Epoch 6

In Epoch 4 and 5, rational thought became our primary mental modality. Extremely useful for our survival, rational thought got us to this point in history but it doesn’t appear that, alone, it will take us much farther. It’s time to transcend and include rational thinking and enter deeper and higher modes of knowing that are slumbering in the Higher Brain. The level of complexity in our modern world has exceeded the ability to create meaning and find solutions through rational thought alone. Science is making it clear that to thrive in the face of complexity, we need energy in the pre-frontal cortex (PFC), and we need to go higher and forward in the brain not lower and backward. Higher Brain insight and intuition jump ahead to reveal the simplicity on the other side of complexity. They make visible elegant solutions by revealing a proactive, potential future.

Intuition and Insight, ‘Trans-Rational’ New Modes of Knowing in Epoch 6

In Epoch 4 and 5, rational thought became our primary mental modality. Extremely useful for our survival, rational thought got us to this point in history but it doesn’t appear that, alone, it will take us much farther. It’s time to transcend and include rational thinking and enter deeper and higher modes of knowing that are slumbering in the Higher Brain. The level of complexity in our modern world has exceeded the ability to create meaning and find solutions through rational thought alone. Science is making it clear that to thrive in the face of complexity, we need energy in the pre-frontal cortex (PFC), and we need to go higher and forward in the brain not lower and backward. Higher Brain insight and intuition jump ahead to reveal the simplicity on the other side of complexity. They make visible elegant solutions by revealing a proactive, potential future.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Problems become the catalyst for transformation, rendering the concept of a problem obsolete. Transformation occurs through what would previously, at a lower Life Altitude, have been defined as a ‘problem.’ In effect, the solutions to problems on one level of existence define the new higher level of existence. Therefore the ‘problem’ arrives with its solution. If no ‘problem’ existed, then no solutions exist and no growth could occur. Epoch 6 turns all challenges into opportunities. As you mature in Epoch 6 the very idea of a ‘problem’ is meaningless.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Problems become the catalyst for transformation, rendering the concept of a problem obsolete. Transformation occurs through what would previously, at a lower Life Altitude, have been defined as a ‘problem.’ In effect, the solutions to problems on one level of existence define the new higher level of existence. Therefore the ‘problem’ arrives with its solution. If no ‘problem’ existed, then no solutions exist and no growth could occur. Epoch 6 turns all challenges into opportunities. As you mature in Epoch 6 the very idea of a ‘problem’ is meaningless.

New Behaviors

The shift into higher brain functioning helps engage the motoric aspects of motivational drive. Motivation now becomes action and is unconsciously and automatically integrated into life. This phenomenon requires less energy and frees the Higher Brain to grow beyond its current state…forever.

New Behaviors

The shift into higher brain functioning helps engage the motoric aspects of motivational drive. Motivation now becomes action and is unconsciously and automatically integrated into life. This phenomenon requires less energy and frees the Higher Brain to grow beyond its current state…forever.

Heightened Perception

When the lower brain is dominant, its safety mechanism filters and dulls our experience. Beauty, vividness and intensity (of nonthreatening stimuli) is not prioritized, so that threats seem to stand out. When the Higher Brain is dominant the world takes on a luster, a glow, a beauty; that has been there all along, but is now obvious.

Heightened Perception

When the lower brain is dominant, its safety mechanism filters and dulls our experience. Beauty, vividness and intensity (of nonthreatening stimuli) is not prioritized, so that threats seem to stand out. When the Higher Brain is dominant the world takes on a luster, a glow, a beauty; that has been there all along, but is now obvious.


Confidence emerges as a fearlessness that isn’t dependent on anyone or anything. You stop personalizing events and see them as patterns playing out in a larger context. You realize that people do not do things ‘to you’ because of who you are, but instead act according to who they are. The petty personal drama drops away and you feel invincible. Driven by a deeper meaning and not ruled by the lower brain, you engage in life fully. You realize that there really isn’t anything to fear and you can go boldly into the world.


Confidence emerges as a fearlessness that isn’t dependent on anyone or anything. You stop personalizing events and see them as patterns playing out in a larger context. You realize that people do not do things ‘to you’ because of who you are, but instead act according to who they are. The petty personal drama drops away and you feel invincible. Driven by a deeper meaning and not ruled by the lower brain, you engage in life fully. You realize that there really isn’t anything to fear and you can go boldly into the world.

No Personal Drama and Zero Sign of Victimhood

Feeling limitless power, all claims to victimhood vanish. The ‘blame’ inherent in Epoch 5 is gone in Epoch 6. When we see the world from this larger perspective we don’t see other people doing things to us, and we don’t see our life conditions repressing us. We know we have the unlimited power for conscious choice and conscious change.

We don’t deny the repressed pathologies that lower altitudes have created, nor do we deny that there are victims of those creations. We simply do not see ourselves as part of the oppressed or victims of anything. Therefore, we assume full responsibility for our life.

No Personal Drama and Zero Sign of Victimhood

Feeling limitless power, all claims to victimhood vanish. The ‘blame’ inherent in Epoch 5 is gone in Epoch 6. When we see the world from this larger perspective we don’t see other people doing things to us, and we don’t see our life conditions repressing us. We know we have the unlimited power for conscious choice and conscious change.

We don’t deny the repressed pathologies that lower altitudes have created, nor do we deny that there are victims of those creations. We simply do not see ourselves as part of the oppressed or victims of anything. Therefore, we assume full responsibility for our life.


Joy and well-being are catalyzed by Higher Brain energy. Research conducted on HBL has shown profound shifts to alpha waves in the pre-frontal cortex. Higher production of alpha waves is associated with increased dopamine levels in the brain, which heightens our sense of joy.


Joy and well-being are catalyzed by Higher Brain energy. Research conducted on HBL has shown profound shifts to alpha waves in the pre-frontal cortex. Higher production of alpha waves is associated with increased dopamine levels in the brain, which heightens our sense of joy.


The shift from lower brain dominance to the Higher Brain, AND the Awakening of your Authentic Self into Epoch 6 leads to a path of purpose. We move towards experiences that make us feel whole, creative and in service instead of moving away from things that scare us.

Sadly, for those who do not make the momentous leap to Epoch 6, the number one regret at the end of life, according to research performed by palliative nurse Bronnie Ware, was the wish to have had the courage to live a life true to oneself, not the life others expected.


The shift from lower brain dominance to the Higher Brain, AND the Awakening of your Authentic Self into Epoch 6 leads to a path of purpose. We move towards experiences that make us feel whole, creative and in service instead of moving away from things that scare us.

Sadly, for those who do not make the momentous leap to Epoch 6, the number one regret at the end of life, according to research performed by palliative nurse Bronnie Ware, was the wish to have had the courage to live a life true to oneself, not the life others expected.


The unlocking of creativity is a product of the Authentic Self being in alignment with the evolutionary impulse. The production of novelty through creative advance is a defining feature of evolution. As the Authentic Self emerges into Epoch 6 the ecstatic urge to ‘create’ becomes a driving life force.


The unlocking of creativity is a product of the Authentic Self being in alignment with the evolutionary impulse. The production of novelty through creative advance is a defining feature of evolution. As the Authentic Self emerges into Epoch 6 the ecstatic urge to ‘create’ becomes a driving life force.

Meaningful Relationships

You step into deeper, more transparent ways to engage in relationships. Relationships promote evolution. And you’ll seek out only those that create win-win dynamics. At this level of development, it becomes impossible to remain in a relationship that stifles your own becoming.

Meaningful Relationships

You step into deeper, more transparent ways to engage in relationships. Relationships promote evolution. And you’ll seek out only those that create win-win dynamics. At this level of development, it becomes impossible to remain in a relationship that stifles your own becoming.

Synchronicity and Psychic Capacities

The emergence of psychic abilities, synchronicity, lucid dreaming, telepathic powers, premonitions and trans-rational modes of knowing are frequently reported.

Synchronicity and Psychic Capacities

The emergence of psychic abilities, synchronicity, lucid dreaming, telepathic powers, premonitions and trans-rational modes of knowing are frequently reported.

Beyond the early (emergence) Epoch 6 life altitude is Epoch 6 Ascension. In the Epoch 6 Ascension Life Altitude instead of the higher heart synchronized with the higher brain structures simply “transcending” the lower brain structures/layers, this new dynamic in physiology begins to transform them. All of the lower structures of the brain now come into service of the higher. This is seen on EEG evaluation as high degrees of ‘coherence’ across the brain, with high energy levels in the higher structures. This heightened “transcend and include and synchronize” dynamic in the brain creates an emergent property in our physiology that aligns all of our cells and all of our DNA within a resonating field of emergent new holistic physiology. The ‘whole’ of our cells becomes radically greater than the sum of their parts. This emergent new physiology has a resonating effect on other people, pulling them into its field and catalyzing transformation within those within its communities.



PraxisAletheia is a 12-month quest through the Mystery School at the Leading Edge Of Evolution…