Welcome to Part 3 of the “Paradigms have you” series where we are exploring the impact of two paradigms: one based in pathogenesis, and the other based in SalutoGenesis. In the previous post (Part 2), we saw that a paradigm based in pathology leads to a culture of blame and dependency, while a SalutoGenic paradigm leads to empowered individuals, and resilient, anti-fragile communities. In this blog post, as promised, we’ll explore the activation energy needed for this important shift in paradigm from fragility to anti-fragility, from dependency to interdependency, from anti-pathology to pro-salutogenic (which includes anti-pathology).
Understanding Paradigm Shifts
Before we delve into the activation energy required for a paradigm shift, let’s first grasp the significance of such a transformation. A paradigm is a set of beliefs, assumptions, and values that shape our perception of reality and influence our thoughts, behaviors, and choices. It forms the lens through which we interpret the world and create meaning. However, there are times when our current paradigm no longer serves us or aligns with our highest potential.
The Pathogenic Paradigm:
The pathogenic paradigm is characterized by a victim mentality, blame culture, and a focus on problems and pathology. It keeps us trapped in a cycle of disempowerment and prevents us from fully realizing our innate potential. The activation energy required to shift from this paradigm involves breaking free from the limitations of victimhood and taking responsibility for our own lives and well-being.
The Salutogenic Paradigm:
In contrast, the salutogenic paradigm is centered around empowerment, growth, and a focus on well-being and thriving. It acknowledges that we have the capacity to navigate life’s challenges and create positive outcomes. The activation energy needed to transition to this paradigm involves cultivating the latent SalutoGenic Mechanisms, and an “inner organic technology”™ which gives us access to higher functions in our brain-mind system, including self-awareness, embracing personal agency, and nurturing our inherent capacity for resilience and anti-fragility.
Some paradigm shifts are evolutionary in nature. For example, feathers in dinosaurs first evolved for warmth, display, or other non-flight-related functions, and only later were co-opted for flight. Feathers have been found in fossils of a variety of theropod dinosaurs, which are the group of dinosaurs closely related to birds. Some of these dinosaurs, like the Velociraptor, were flightless but still had feathers, suggesting a non-flight function for the feathers. Archaeopteryx, a dinosaur that lived approximately 150 million years ago during the Jurassic Period, is often cited as one of the earliest examples of a feathered dinosaur capable of flight.
If you have feathers for flight, then you also have feathers for warmth, but flight is a whole new paradigm that comes with a whole new set of beliefs, assumptions, and values. The non-flight paradigm split from the flight paradigm and created a whole new species: birds.
All that is needed to begin a shift to a new paradigm of “flight” is a little nudge…
Activation Energy
You have an evolutionary, “inner organic technology”™ that is currently latent within the human species, but which can be activated and cultivated over a lifetime. Once you activate it, and experience it, it can never be taken away from you. It becomes a permanent feature and function within your physiology. Just like using feathers for flight, once you learn the function exists in you, you can never forget it, even though your flight skills can be developed over the course of one’s whole life. All we need is a little nudge to move towards “The New Human” …
We have developed a new instrument for measuring the degree of expression of “inner organic technology”™, or “IOT”. The instrument measures 6 vectors of the physical expression of SalutoGenic mechanisms:
- General expression of IOT
- Specific expression of IOT: SalutoGenic Breath Expansion
- Specific expression of IOT: SalutoGenic Breath Rhythm
- Specific expression of IOT: SalutoGenic AutoWave
- Specific expression of IOT: SalutoGenic Double Helix
- SalutoGenic ThriveStyle.
In 2021, students of PraxisAletheia experienced increases in IOT expression, quarter over quarter, which means that The New Human is getting the nudge it needs to emerge over time. (As of the date of publication of this blog post, we have yet to analyze the data from 2022 & 2023.)
Furthermore, the increase in IOT expression was found to be strongly, positively correlated with Mystical Experience and Sense of Coherence, which are correlated with, we assert, the emergence of The New Human.
Mystical experiences
Mystical experiences are subjective and can vary across different individuals and cultures. However, researchers have identified several common components or characteristics that tend to be associated with mystical experiences. Here are some of the key components identified in research:
- Unity/Oneness: This component involves a profound sense of unity or oneness with all things, including the universe, nature, other people, or a higher power. The boundaries between the self and the external world may dissolve, leading to a feeling of interconnectedness.
- Transcendence of Time and Space: Mystical experiences often involve a sense of timelessness and a feeling of transcending physical space. Individuals may perceive a timeless or eternal dimension, and the concepts of past, present, and future may lose their usual significance.
- Deep Positive Emotions: Mystical experiences are often accompanied by intense and positive emotions, such as joy, awe, bliss, love, or peace. These emotions are typically described as profound and beyond ordinary states of happiness.
- Sense of Sacredness: Many mystical experiences involve a perception of encountering or being in the presence of something sacred or divine. This may involve a connection with a higher power, spiritual beings, or a transcendent reality.
- Ineffability: Mystical experiences are often described as being ineffable, meaning that they cannot be fully expressed or adequately captured in ordinary language. Individuals may struggle to find words that can adequately convey the depth and richness of their experiences.
- Paradoxicality: Mystical experiences can involve the simultaneous experience of seemingly contradictory qualities or concepts. For example, individuals may report a sense of both personal identity and ego dissolution, or experience both a sense of individuality and unity with all things.
- Transcendent Knowledge and Insights: Mystical experiences are often associated with a sense of deep understanding or insight into profound truths about the nature of reality, existence, or the self. These insights are often described as transformative and may have a lasting impact on the individual’s worldview.
In 2021, students of PraxisAletheia experienced increases in Mystical Experience in correlation with IOT, quarter over quarter.
The Sense of Coherence
The Sense of Coherence (SOC) is a concept developed by sociologist Aaron Antonovsky to understand how individuals perceive and cope with stressful situations. It refers to a global orientation that reflects the extent to which a person finds life to be comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. SOC consists of three key components that contribute to an individual’s overall sense of coherence. These components are:
- Comprehensibility: Comprehensibility refers to the extent to which individuals perceive their internal and external experiences as ordered, structured, and understandable. It involves making sense of life events, recognizing patterns, and perceiving that things happen in a predictable and logical manner. When events are perceived as comprehensible, individuals feel that they can understand the causes and consequences of stressors, which can enhance their ability to cope effectively.
- Manageability: Manageability refers to the belief that one has the necessary resources and skills to cope with the demands of stressful situations. It involves perceiving that one has the capacity to influence and control outcomes, or at least has access to the necessary support systems and resources to effectively manage stressors. A high sense of manageability is associated with confidence in one’s abilities and a belief that challenges can be overcome.
- Meaningfulness: Meaningfulness relates to the extent to which individuals perceive life as meaningful, purposeful, and worthwhile. It involves perceiving that there is a sense of order, significance, and coherence in one’s experiences. This component is associated with the belief that there are underlying values and goals that give life a sense of direction and purpose. When life is perceived as meaningful, individuals are more likely to find motivation, satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment even in the face of adversity.
In 2021, students of PraxisAletheia experienced increases in SOC in correlation with IOT, quarter over quarter.
PraxisAletheia: towards a new paradigm
We’re on our way to becoming The New Human! Research indicates that students of PraxisAletheia are awakening their own “inner organic technology”™, getting the nudge through activation energy, and making the shift into a new, SalutoGenic paradigm
If you’d like to learn the esoteric techniques for nudging and awakening these new, emergent, dormant capacites of the New Human, then apply for PraxisAletheia! Watch this webinar, complete and application, and, once approved, schedule an enrollment interview.
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