Earn An Accredited PhD

Our PhD program is self-paced, online, and affordable.

PhD Description

Source Code Alchemy: Theory and Practice

Before pursuing your PhD degree, you must first complete your MA degree in Source Code Alchemy: Theory & Practice. You can find out more about the MA here. By enrolling in both the MA and PhD degrees together, you will earn greater tuition discounts, and you will only be required to write one dissertation.

The accredited PhD in Source Code Alchemy: Theory and Practice takes all you have learned in the MA and deepens it profoundly. You will be introduced to new and esoteric teachings, techniques, practices and programs, all through a completely self-paced learning experience. The PhD is a combination of academic credit hours and praxis (practice) hours. In this new revolutionary educational model, it is not enough to simply learn new information—we must also transform ourselves. Below is the curriculum for the PhD.

A note from the founder about the source code alchemy: theory & practice phd

“I come to speak dangerous words, I ask that you listen dangerously.” ~ Chuang Tzu



These PhD courses can begin after you have completed your master’s degree in Source Code Alchemy: Theory and Practice. The PhD program consists of 104 total credit hours. Courses are self-paced.





States and Structures of Consciousness

The development of consciousness occurs along two vectors. States of consciousness move horizontally and structures of consciousness unfold vertically, and, for the most part, these two vectors are orthogonal. Furthermore, within this map of consciousness, states are free, but stages are earned. In this course, you will learn the map of consciousness which includes both vectors.


  • The Fundamental States of Consciousness
  • The Gross and Subtle States of Consciousness
  • The Causal, Empty Witness, and Nondual
  • The Hiddent Structures of Consciousness
  • The Structure Stages of Development


Dysfunctional Shadow Elements in Development

Development and evolution are messy and no one gets through cleanly. The function of the shadow is to hold unacceptable material in the unconscious until the body-mind system has developed enough sophistication and neurological flexibility to clean up.


  • Shadow Work: Addictions and Allergies
  • Dysfunctions of the 1st-Tier Structure-Views
  • Dysfunctions of the 2nd-Tier Structure Views
  • Dysfunctions of the 3rd-Tier Structure Views
  • Dysfunctions of the Gross and Subtle States
  • Dysfunctions of the Causal, Empty Witness


Elements of an Integral Spirituality

Integral Spirituality accounts for a map of the Kosmos—interiors and exteriors, cultures and societies—without reducing all spiritual practices and religions into a single religion, and yet including all of the essential features, without over prioritization on any subset of features. 


  • Structures and States
  • Shadow Work, Quadrants, and Developmental Lines
  • Miscellaneous: Typologies & Polarities
  • Integral Semiotics: A New God-Talk


The Emergence of the New Human

Evolution marches ever forward and is characterized, in part, by punctuated equilibriums wherein new, more advanced forms—both sentient and insentient—emerge suddenly from previous, stable forms. In particular, the human form has evolved over millions of years in discrete stages. Most recently, our current form has experienced five major epochal shifts in brain cortex and consciousness, and appears to be ready for the next, sixth emergence of a New Human, or Human 6.0.


  • Human 6.0: More than Higher Cognition at Turquoise
  • The New Holy Trinity – Advanced 
  • The Language of Epigenetic DNA Expression Through Positive Feedback
  • New Human Physiology
    • Latent Inner Organic Technology
    • SalutoGenic Mechanisms
    • Autopoietic Emergence
    • Holonic Brain
    • Super Immunity
    • Emergent DNA
  • New Human Consciousness: States That Free Us + Stages that Fulfill Us + Evolution to Meta Mind
  • Synergistic Drivers of Evolution
    • The Soul and Authentic Self
    • Kosmic Self
  • Reincarnation


Epoch 6 Culture, Society, Education, Religion, and Politics

The most advanced map of the Kosmos accounts for certain cultural and societal phenomena—such as education, religion, and politics—and the various stages of development these phenomena undergo on their way to the next stage. This course examines the cultural and societal structures of Epoch 6.


  • Virtues, Ethics, and Artificial Intelligence
  • New Education, New Religion, New Politics, and a New World Order: Is this a cult?
  • Panentheisitic Synchronistic Kosmo-Tetraism — Beyond Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment
  • Effects of Archetypal Astrology on Human Culture
  • Morphic Resonance
  • Systemic Memory Hypothesis


Epoch 6 Praxis for Healing and Human Potential

New emergences in human development can be associated with some form of praxis that effects change, often in hindsight. However, with the benefit of early research data, foresight, and a powerful “firestarter”, a praxis has been developed that unleashes human potential, creates new emergent potential, and gives us access to the “third wave” of healing.


  • The E6 Shaman 
  • Inner & Outer Alchemy: New Emergence from Singularities, Subtle Energy, and Substances
  • Third-Wave Healing 
  • The 9 Summits of Transformation, Advanced
  • Advanced SalutoGenic ThriveStyle 


Assessing and Catalyzing the Epoch 6 Human

The New Human is waking up, growing up, cleaning up, and showing up. At least some aspects of these processes can be assessed. A New Human is assessed for mystical experience, happiness, flourishing, sense of coherence, life mastery, goal accomplishment, vertical development, and changes in baseline brain function, among other things. It is important to assess the process of catalyzing the New Human as well as to understand the importance of each assessment.


  • Assessments for New Humans
  • Post-Conventional Stage Growth
  • Development of Original Research Projects


Comparative Studies

As part of your graduate degree, you will make academic-level, qualitative and quantitiative, longitudinal comparisons among various modalties in the marketplace. Practitioners of Source Code Alchemy know the landscape and where Source Code Alchemy fits within it.


  • E6 Technologies: An Integral Perspective
  • The New Age & Human Potential Movements
  • Objectivity & Subjectivity
  • Development of Original Research Projects


Practitioner Techniques, Part One (LIVE TRAINING)

The first part of the techniques and technologies that change the networked structure of the Kosmos.


  • Advanced Source Code Meditation Hands-On Training 
  • Source Code Meditation Live Immersion Deluxe (The Workshop Intensive)
  • Program #1 (6 months): The Source Code Alchemy Institute’s “The 9 Summits of Transformation Catalyzed”


Practitioner Techniques, Part Two

The second part of the techniques and technologies that change the networked structure of the Kosmos.


  • Program #2 (12 months): The Source Code Alchemy Institute’s “PraxisAletheia, the Mystery School at the Leading Edge of Evolution Catalyzed
  • The Basic SCM Membership


The Creative Journey to Dissertation

The Wisdom School at Ubiquity University recognizes that students need support when tackling their master’s thesis or doctoral proposals and dissertations. To address these needs, every 6–12 months we offer the Creative Journey to Dissertation course that introduces students to tactics for planning, writing, and revising their research to produce polished, clear and highly efficient academic writing. Spending time together in this focused way provides you with the opportunity for in-depth discussion with both the faculty and your peers, and a chance to receive valuable ideas and feedback from the group. Students frequently report back to us that this is one of the most energizing and inspiring courses they have taken.

*Writing your Dissertation is worth an additional 36 credits, for a total of 40 credits. If you are simultaneously enrolled in both the MA and PhD programs, you will only need to take this course once, and only write one Dissertation.


Chartres Academy

Waves of Love: The Healing Music of the Spheres – Chartres Academy” will be held both in-person, in France from July 2-8, 2023, and online. Either option will fulfill the required credit hours.


Ready to Earn Your PhD Degree?

An integral component of both our accredited master’s and PhD degrees is the Mystery School at the Leading Edge of Evolution called “PraxisAlethiea”. Although both degrees entail much more than PraxisAletheia, we have found this PraxisAletheia webinar to be a great starting point to understand just how profound this journey is.

Here’s how to get started:


Click here to watch our webinar on PraxisAletheia.


Complete a PraxisAletheia application (link provided at the end of the webinar). In the application, select that you are interested in the MA/PhD combination degree.


If approved, schedule an interview with our Director of Education, Dr. Steven Giron. During the interview, Dr. Giron will provide details about the degrees, how PraxisAletheia fits into earning your degrees, and about the exciting career path unique to the PhD.

Download our PDF outline of the Master of Arts Degree! Learn how you can get your degree in as little as 15 months:


Then download our PDF outline of the PhD Degree:


What do I do once I graduate with accredited Source Code Alchemy Theory & Practice Master of Arts and PhD Degrees?

1. Start a new career as a teacher and practitioner in the exciting new profession of “Source Code Alchemy”. You will have the skills and knowledge to teach the Source Code Meditation technique, host live workshops with hands-on sessions, and offer programs that change the world! For more information on Source Code Meditation, click here. The PhD will provide you with additional skills, knowledge, techniques and programs not available to the master’s degree graduates.

2. Apply for a strategic partnership to open your own “Source Code Alchemy Institute”.

3. Use your accredited MA and PhD degrees to boost your status for other employment opportunities, or simply go through the process for your own personal growth and development.



Prerequisite to our PhD Degree: Master’s degree in Source Code Alchemy: Theory and Practice.

You have the option to enroll in both degrees now in order to receive discounts and only have one dissertation required. (Enrolling separately means you will need to write both a thesis and dissertation.)

To see the master’s degree curriculum and information, click here.

In-Person Component

Your PhD Degree will be conducted in an online format. The only exception is one week that is required in person. However, as the PhD program is self-paced, you have several years to complete this component.


Tuition Information

The Source Code Alchemy: Theory & Practice PhD Degree may only be pursued once you have completed the master’s degree.

By enrolling in BOTH degrees now:

  • You will receive a greater discount on tuition
  • You will only need to write ONE dissertation

Master’s Degree

PhD Degree

Total Program Cost for MA and PhD Degrees Combined

$55,800 (paid as $1400 for 28 months plus 2 payments of $5000 and 1 payment of $6600)