Partial Love
It is common for individuals to seek out self-improvement and personal growth through various forms of therapy, coaching, and personal development programs. One such program is the “Pure Love” program created by Dr. Joe Dispenza, a chiropractor and author who has become well-known for his work on the relationship between the mind and the body. While the Pure Love program has been well-received by many individuals, there are some who have raised concerns about the lack of understanding of integral metatheory.
Integral metatheory is a holistic approach to understanding and addressing complex systems and phenomena. Integral Metatheory is a Theory of Everything and should encompass “pure love.” Integral Metatheory seeks to integrate diverse perspectives and approaches to understand the complexity of human experience and behavior fully and completely.
Joe’s “Pure Love” program does not incorporate integral metatheory in its approach to personal growth, and that’s a disaster waiting to happen.
While the program does draw on elements from various fields, such as neuroscience and psychology, it has been criticized for not fully integrating these perspectives in a holistic, integrated manner. For example, the program primarily focuses on the power of the mind and the role of thought and emotion in shaping our reality, but it does not address crucial factors that absolutely influence our experience and behavior, such as the interpretation of the experience of “Pure Love” through the lens of vertical, psycho-spiritual & moral development. Waking up to a state of more love will always be interpreted through a stage of growing up. And there’s nothing in the Pure Love program that addresses this critical step of interpretation.
And without the ability to explain the meaning of “Pure Love” into a theory of everything, then “Pure Love” can only be partial, which means it’s not pure.
Partial Love is not Pure
Carol Gilligan is a well-known feminist psychologist and author who has made significant contributions to the field of moral development. Her work has focused on the ways in which gender influences moral reasoning and decision-making, and she has argued that traditional models of moral development, which are largely based on the work of psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, do not adequately take into account the experiences and perspectives of women. While the program does focus on the importance of developing a sense of personal responsibility and ethical behavior, it does not adequately consider the ways in which gender influences these processes. For example, the program does not address the fact that women may often be socialized to prioritize the needs of others over their own, or that they may face unique challenges and expectations in terms of their moral development due to their gender.
In Gilligan’s theory, there are four stages to a woman’s moral development: 1) Selfish, 2) Care, 3) Universal Care, and 4) Integrated.
At SELFISH, “Pure Love” is egocentric. “Pure Love” is interpreted through an archaic-magical filter and manifests itself as love for me, for oneself, and only for oneself.
At CARE, “Pure Love” is ethnocentric. “Pure Love” is interpreted through a mythic-literal filter and manifests itself as love for us, for family and for people who are similar in values, beliefs, and geographical region. Nazi mothers love, purely, their Nazi children.
At UNIVERSAL CARE, “Pure Love” is world-centric. “Pure Love” is interpreted through a modern/post-modern filter, and manifests itself as love for all of us, all people regardless of values, beliefs, and geographical region. “Can’t we all just get along.”
At INTEGRATED, “Pure Love” is cosmo-centric. “Pure Love” is interpreted through an integral filter — that integrates both masculine & feminine moral intelligence — and manifests itself as love for all Being, all people regardless of values, beliefs, and geographical region.
The sad irony — which will lead to a train wreck — is that the people who have created “Pure Love” — as well those that attend — do not seem to understand how partial their love is. If they cannot understand the interpretation of “Pure Love” at each of these moral stages, then they only have a partial understanding of “Pure Love.” Again, their meaning of “Pure Love” can only be partial, which means it’s NOT pure. They are, in effect, mouthing the words, while simultaneously stealing the cultural code of integral understanding.
This is what we call, in the business, “virtue signaling.” But I’m sure it’s a lovely, caring experience, nevertheless. If that’s what meets your needs, then I guess that’s where one needs to be.
“Pure Love” is not integrally informed & not informed by developmental psychology. Therefore, “Pure Love” is partial, and partial love is not pure. Stop calling it pure.
PraxisAletheia is a Mystery School at the Leading Edge of Evolution and is built upon three pillars.
The first pilar is INTEGRAL METATHEORY (check out these results which indicate growing up in late-stage adult development)
The second pillar is powerful technology and praxis — SOURCE CODE MEDITATION + 9 SUMMITS OF TRANSFORMATION — which transforms and transmutes the human into the New Human (check out these results from the New Human Assessment for State Experience)
The third pillar is UNITARY EVOLUTIONARY ENLIGHTENMENT WEEK, which is an in-person event, held within a sacred space, and builds the Sacred WE-Space.
PraxisAletheia is in a very unique & powerful position. We’re offering professional careers, with masters & doctorate level accreditation, for an integrally informed practice that dramatically accelerates all four paths of waking up, growing up, cleaning up, and showing up.
The third pillar is UNITARY EVOLUTIONARY ENLIGHTENMENT WEEK, which is an in-person event, held within a sacred space, and builds the Sacred WE-Space.
-Shouldnt the last 2 words then read “Wi-space” ?
-A thought that came up as I was reading the newsletter, that I LOVE purely BTW.
Kelly, no, not Wi-Space. WE-Space. We all love at the stage of development we’re at, and that we’ll occur as pure love to us.
I recently attended a week-long Dr Joe Dispenza PureLove event, and I wholeheartedly agree it lacks the integral element, which is important to me in my evolution. Having been involved with SCM for nearly four years and completing PraxisAletheia 2021, the lack of an integral focus left me feeling something was sorely missing during the PureLove event. However, the meditations were very effective in opening the heart and facilitating a Kosmic awareness. There were 1800 attendees, all at various stages of their own development and evolution, which is not unlike the WE space in SCM/PA. The Dr Joe work is what it is, it doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t, and it did fill in some gaps for me from the SCM/PA work I’ve practiced thus far. I’m surprised to see an article in this space making a comparison between the two modalities since they are so distinct.
Hey Sue, they are distinct. And people need to know it. The lack of understanding of interpretation of state experience through stage development will end badly, and we’re “running out of time.” If The NHU doesn’t take responsibility for steering humanity away from a flatland disaster, who will? Should we just let 1800 people NOT get the value they deserve when their finances could have been used in more productive ways? Hard to stand by and take a passive stance when there’s an obvious, already-available solution to flatland that also opens the heart into a neurology that is prepared for the heart & soul. There are no passive observers, as you know. And I disagree that it’s not pretending: “Pure Love” is partial, and not pure.
How does putting others’ work down in order to manufacture interest in your own work exemplify Integral Metatheory? It reads like an old paradigm competitive capitalist marketing strategy that seeks to “win” paying customers by siphoning them off of more successful businesses offering similar, though in this case, certainly distinct, products and services within a particular industry by offering “evidence” that justifies a devaluing of their work. Your argument is based on semantics at best, and doesn’t elaborate on exactly why/how your products/services are “better” or more valuable and therefore “a more productive use of finances.”
The presumption that NHU and you select few are taking responsibility for “steering humanity away from flatland disaster” feels like egotistical grandiosity. Thank goodness that Joe’s work AND the work of NHU are in existence and are being offered to the public at this time. ANY movement towards awakening consciousness and expanding awareness by any number of people alive on the planet right now is cause for celebration.
I’m not in any position to cast judgement upon your marketing efforts as I understand running a business within the current system has a lot of financial pressures that go along with it. Pressures that I myself have yet to surmount so I don’t have any ideas as to how it might be done differently. Perhaps getting a rise out of people, like you clearly have with me, was the whole “pure” purpose of this pretentious, inflammatory article. If so, well done, it hit the mark. Though, I must say, it doesn’t compel me any further toward your work, nor does it convey that it would indeed be “worth the value.” Blessings & Love Always ❤️
The NHU is holding up the highest possible standards (that we know of) for transformation, which includes incorporating integral metatheory. World’s leading thought leaders are warning against partiality. So are we. I’d like to see all the world’s thought leaders incorporating integral metatheory. Otherwise, we miss the fact that — as described in the blog — women go through vertical stage development different than men and their emotional & spiritual experiences are interpreted differently & are stage dependent. Treating experiences in the same way (e.g. because “we’re all one”) leads to stuckness & even regression.
Also, please see the 100+ other blog posts, some of which demonstrate through empirical data including a peer-reviewed clinical study — that we’re achieving things that no other modality has ever been shown to achieve by awakening a dormant evolutionary inner organic technology. It’s not a competition. Comparison is not judgment, nor condemnation. It’s becoming an accepted fact backed by research, just like every new revolutionary evolutionary movement based in empirical evidence. And we’re going through the phase of leaving the old behind & making it obsolete, which comes with its own challenges … including leaving some of the old ideas behind.
And it was written with such a competitive attitude towards his work. Here’s a man that has worked so hard to lay an incredible foundation of truth in what our bodies are capable of and the way the article was written made me feel I should stop reading. The negativity towards his work to set a simple comparison was unnecessary.
Laura, we are definitely in a race between consciousness & catastrophe!! Important competition that impacts all of humanity! And we are here to raise the standards of evolutionary work & workers. While we stand on the shoulders of giants, we can identify where there is room for improvement. And thank you for your feedback that is clearly geared towards improvement. Please also see the 100+ other blog posts that empirically demonstrate how we’ve radically transformed the whole field of transformation.
I’m infinitely grateful for all conscious evolutionary work.
I balk when someone believes diminishing another’s credible, scientifically proven, evolutionary work is necessary to promote their own work. The words Pure love define a very minute expression of Dispenza’s broad landscape of scientific spiritual teachings & experiences. We see life as we are, not as they are. All is well. Love love 💕
Peaceful blessings
Joanne, yes! Previous work has gotten us all where we are! Grateful for that too. And evolution never ends. We stand on the shoulders of giants to continue the work of evolution, take it to the next stage. To do that, it’s important to identify what can be improved, just as you have in your comment. Not every work within consciousness works for everyone — because everyone is at different stages of growth, as described in the blog. The leading edge of consciousness is accelerating… Also, please see the 100+ other blog posts, some of which include credible, scientifically proven research (e.g. peer-reviewed clinical trial) that demonstrates leading edge, never-before-seen growth & development in correlation with an emergent, evolutionary “New Human” physiology & function.
Joe’s work branched out of JZ Knight/Ramtha’s channeling which I found shallow and competitive – but worked for some…again not Pure Love. Everything is a progression however, and ultimately we meet all this work and find our teachers at the level of awareness we can relate to, don’t you think? Those that are ready will show up. Joe’s message is broad not deep. SCM takes one deeply into self awareness which is the truer concept of pure love as an awakening. SCM is for those ready to be responsible both for awakening themselves as well as for awakening humanity. I think of Joe’s work as…a taste. And it leaves people wanting more. SCM is the tasty…more!
Hey Joy! Thanks for your comment. Yes, Joe’s work works for some. Those who need state change, and are not ready for stage growth, will be served well by “Pure Love” — and even that is not a sure thing, but at least there is some broadening. Progress, not perfection, towards perfection. Glad we have you for The More!!
I am excited to be joining The More. This is what I/ we came for 🙏🏽
Yes! Welcome to the Revolution, Claudia!!
I have an Affinity for this moment and as a whole there isnt room for half truths. As humanity approaches the singularity strong and crystal clear definitions must be employed through our hearts and that requires honesty of the purest form Is it not so? Love conquers all it is alive shinning so bright love knows, love is alive whole . The Gentleman was not criticizeing or judging as you saw fit to comment . Mr Giron is a man of conviction clearly and making this known to the public is much needed . the path must be clearly defined un known isnt acceptable .I often am faced with a sense of urgency as our society and its form clearly being rapidly erased so man no longer remembers his history his morals all of these are under attack . I myself hold many memories and expressions and compassions ,time lines are in my keep to hold for the new souls entering this fluxing ebbing river of times to be known time to hold and behold .be quickened be love and stay in peace .